2025 Contract

Please read all information located on our 2025 Season Information page first.

This is a legal document, please contact management on our facebook page or text us at 315-605-8090 to inquire about slip availability before filling out this contract. If you had a slip for all of 2023 and have the same boat you only need to fill out the contract for 2024. If you took over a slip near the end of the year you are not considered an existing renter and must join the wait list.

You will receive a copy of the contract via email you entered above, please check your spam folder once submitted. If you do not receive a copy, that means your contract wasn’t submitted.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please upload picture/pdf of NYS Registration, Insurance Policy listing At The Docks as Additional Insured If you are unable to submit, please email documents to anne@atthedocks.com after submission.
$ 0.00

Contract Terms

  1. Slip is rented to the owner of record for a specific boat and any change must be re-negotiated with AT THE DOCKS,
    LLC may use any empty slips when not occupied by the tenant. The tenant should notify the office of the date
    leaving and the date returning if tenant leaves his slip for a week or more. Failure to notify AT THE DOCKS, LLC of
    purchase of new boat, selling to new owner, or termination of insurance will result in immediate eviction.
  2. Owners may work on their own boats at the marina, but AT THE DOCKS, LLC assumes no liability for such work nor
    for the physical safety of any individuals involved. Outside vendors or sub-contractors must show proof of liability
    insurance at least equal to that carried by AT THE DOCKS, LLC. Outside contractors are permitted on AT THE
    DOCKS, LLC property only during normal working hours. Failure to consult AT THE DOCKS, LLC prior to authorizing
    work being done with result in the immediate termination of rental agreement forfeiting rental payments.
  3. Slip rent charge is based on overall length of boat including swim platform, engine and bow pulpit.
  4. Trash disposal is the responsibility of the renter.  At The Docks, LLC will not provide any trash services.
  5. Please do not waste water; make sure hoses and connections do not leak and are disconnected when not in use.
  6. Boat owners are responsible for the safety and actions of their children, pets and/or guests.
  7. Boat owners agree to keep areas adjacent to boats in particular, and all facilities of AT THE DOCKS, LLC Marina in
    general, clean and free of rubbish. Electrical lines and water hoses must be placed on the docks so that they are not
    in the way. For the safety and convenience of everyone, docks must be kept clear of gear and equipment at all times.
    Placement of access steps must be agreed upon by neighbors and AT THE DOCKS, LLC, and may not encroach on
    more than half the width of the dock. Boat owners should always observe reasonable safety precautions.
  8. For the protection of owners’ property, AT THE DOCKS, LLC should be informed when someone other than the
    owner has been given permission to use a boat.
  9. Boats may be entered by AT THE DOCKS, LLC personnel for emergency service. If AT THE DOCKS, LLC determines
    that an emergency situation exists and is unable to contact a boat’s owner, it will be assumed that AT THE DOCKS, LLC
    is authorized to move the boat, if possible and practical, to a safer area to protect the boat, property or general
    welfare. However, under no circumstances is AT THE DOCKS, LLC under any obligation to provide this service and
    boat owners agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any and all liability, loss or damage caused by or to the
    subject boat which may arise out of failure of the boat owner to move the boat, the inability of AT THE DOCKS, LLC
    to reach the owner, or by the movement of the boat by AT THE DOCKS, LLC. In general, boat owners are solely
    responsible for any emergency measures.
  10. Boat owners agree that AT THE DOCKS, LLC will not be responsible for any injuries or property damage resulting, caused by, or growing out of the use of dock or harbor facilities; that boat owners release and discharge AT THE DOCKS, LLC from any and all liability from loss, injury (including death), or damages to persons or property sustained while in or on the facilities of AT THE DOCKS, LLC, including fire, theft, vandalism, windstorm, high or low waters, hail, rain, ice, collision or accident, of any other Act of God, whether said boat is or is not being parked or hauled by an agent of AT THE DOCKS, LLC.
  11. All boats must be tied securely to the docks.
  12. Any property must be stored onboard boats or in dock boxes which do not impede walking path. All dock boxes,
    lines, hoses, dinghy, grills, etc. must be removed at end of season. AT END OF SEASON a charge will be made for
    disposal of any gear left behind, including dock boxes. No grills are to be used on docks or on boats at their slips.
    AT THE DOCKS, LLC is not responsible for any dock boxes, fenders, lines, hoses, etc. left behind.
  13. No FISHING is allowed on the premise or docks at any time.
  14. Maintain liability insurance during the time the boat is docked at the marina.
  15. Nothing shall be fastened to the docks, property without prior written authorization.  Zip ties and tape are considered permissable.  Any permanent attachment (screw, staples, nails) will be considered damage and replacement costs will be paid by renter.
  16. AT THE DOCKS, LLC reserves the right to terminate the slip rental for any breach of any terms of this Agreement,
    resulting in the forfeiture of any rental payments.