We understand that getting a slip last year might not have been ideal. Traditionally the wall slips open first and if you have a smaller boat, have trouble getting in the boat, or whatever reason you want move we understand.
One of the major issues we have, is not all fingers are the same size. At their smallest the fingers are 20ft (Some of C Dock/Most of D Dock), with stops at 24ft (G Dock) and 32ft (A & B Dock). We prioritize moving boats by size first, regardless of seniority. We are trying fit boat sizes with the appropriate docks sizes while also not moving grandfathered renters with existing boats.
You have a <22ft boat on the wall, we will look to move you to C Dock
If you have a 30ft boat, we will look to move you into A or B Dock
If you have a 22Ft boat and a slip opens up on the A or B dock, but we have a waiting list with a 30ft boat the 30ft will get first choice on that slip.
If you have a large boat with a lot of wind surface area, we will want to put you on the wall in order to avoid putting undue stress on our underwater cabling and anchoring system.
Did you purchase a new boat? Is it smaller than your existing boat? Are you in a 32ft slip? We will likely move you to another slip. Please keep this in mind when looking for a new boat.
We will rarely, if ever, move someone from their existing slip to a less desirable slip (unless they downsize their boat), but as the seasons go on we try to match the slip with the boat as best as possible.
We consider our previous renters as boat & person. If you sell your boat, or buy an existing renter’s boat you are considered a new renter and must join the waitlist. If you buy a boat during the season you may assume that person’s slip for the rest of the year, however you will need to provide us any new registration (in a timely manner), a signed contract, and insurance requirements (immediately).
All scenarios are subjective but we wanted to give you an idea on how we fill slips.
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